
from HOL to OR

  Some years ago I published this post about document 046665 in House of Leaves (HOL), by Mark Z. Danielewski (MZD).

   It shows two envelopes, and it seems they are disposed to fit into a golden rectangle (the width of a golden rectangle is its length multiplied by .618).
  The big envelope is a double golden rectangle.
  The white rectangle using the tip of the slap is again a golden rectangle.

  Just under this white golden rectangle is carefully written Even today the Kitawans view the spiral of the Nautilus pompilius as the ultimate symbol of perfection.
  This is nearly the text of footnote 382, which precises the Kitawans of the South Pacific. It comes from a book in which it is stated this feeling is an unconscious perception of the properties of the golden ratio.

  Johnny Truant, who studies the story of the house, has drawn a map of it on the little envelope. It seems to be a square (but it's never told what is the length of the house). A totally new feature is that the width of 32' 9 3/4" is said to be equivalent to 20 cubits.
  The word cubit never appears in the text, in which there's no hint to another standard of measurement.

  Why should the House be 20 cubits wide? There is a famous place which is a cube of 20x20x20 cubits, and that's the HOLy of HOLies, the most sacred part of the House of YHWH, the Temple built by David's son, Solomon.
   As says Navidson:
Our house is not a house of God, the house is God.
  On page 333 of HOL is “The Hol[   ]y Tape”.
  Jewish exegesis has seen a proof of the almightiness of God in these 20 cubits, as the Holy of Holies contains the Ark of Covenant. The Talmud asserts, “The space of the ark is not measured.” (Yoma 21a).
  From each wall of the chamber to each side of the ark was 10 cubits. The ark itself measured 2½ cubits by 1½ cubits. Yet from one wall to the other measured not 22½, but exactly 20 cubits. The ark both occupied space and did not occupy space.

   This was remarked on the forum, but the given link is not good now, here is another one (look for 'Space and Non-Space').
   This same page links the miracle of the 20 cubits to the dream of Jacob at Bethel (meaning 'House of God'), and quotes Genesis 28,17, also given in footnote 153 of HOL:
“How dreadful is this place! this is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.” 
   When Mark is represented by the only initial M., letters ARK are hidden... It has been noted that the Ark, 2½ cubits by 1½ cubits, has a ratio of 3/5, near a golden rectangle. Mark is born on a 3/5.
   It might be a hint to the Ark of covenant in footnote 82, page 77, in which Truant speaks about cats on the prowl:
a covenant of light, ark for the instant,
   Footnote 166 mentions Raiders of the Lost Ark.
   Noah’s ark is mentioned in footnote 134, in which it's suggested as the antithesis of labyrinth, and in footnote 249, with the statement there's no Noah’s ark in the Navidson labyrinth.

  The little envelope shows too Johnny calculating the cubit in inches, starting with 32' 9 3/4"= 393 3/4".
393 3/4"/20 = X "
(393.75/20 = X ")
then X = 19.6875"
  Why? As I'm French I searched how many centimeters it was. One inch is exactly 2.54 centimeters, and the conversion gives
19.6875 * 2.54 = 50.00625 cm,
so the cubit is almost exactly 50 cm, and the outside width of the house should be 1000 cm, 10 meters, or 10.00125 if Navidson's measurement was perfect, but I guess MZD could not give a better precision in order to make a cubit equal to exactly 50 cm.
  Why? First this 'Why ?' after the final measure of the cubit could hint again to the House of YHWH. Hebrew is written from right to left, YHWH is often reduced to YHW which is then written 'WHY'.

  Being French helped a lot for the next step, and MZD lived several years in France.
  In 1985 a little abbey in Provence published the Cahier de Boscodon 4, a roneoted manuscript which the abbey claims to have sold 60,000 copies.
  It's about L'art des bâtisseurs romans, 'The art of the Romanesque builders', and the golden ratio. Its main feature is that Le Corbusier borrowed his Modulor, an anthropometric scale of proportions based on the golden ratio, from an esoteric model existing at least in the Middle Age, and maybe far before, the 'quine des bâtisseurs', a set of five measures ruled by the golden ratio and the human body.

  Some tables might seem accurate, with a lot of measures (in cm) that look like results of a scholarly study.
  Yet is it serious that these measures have for standard the diameter of a barley grain, with a precision of one thousandth of millimeter?

  Actually all numbers are imaginary, except the pied, 'foot', of 32.48 cm, which is known as 'pied de Charlemagne', but of course it was not 144 times the ligne, 'line' of .22558 cm, and the other measures multiplying this line by numbers of the Fibonacci sequence are just fake.
  But this was not enough, and the monk at the origin of this, Jean Bétous, imagined the 'standard of the insiders' of .2247 cm. This leads to the five measures of the quine, paume-palme-empan-pied-coudée, 'palm-hand-span-foot-cubit'.
  Another table allows to understand what was in his mind:

   The measures are 20 times the golden sequence based on φ, the only sequence which is both an additive sequence and a geometric progression (the ratio of which being φ).
  The middle unit, the empan, the hand-span, is exactly 20.00 cm, hundreds of years before the metric system.
   This looks quite silly, yet it was taken seriously by many readers, reprinted in other books, even school manuals...
  An example on this site, which gives a link to upload the Cahier de Boscodon. There is a French Wikipedia page, but it presents the theory as doubtful.

   The above table starts with the palm, 20 times .382. It might be meaningful the most suggestive hint to the golden ratio in HOL is footnote 382, about the Nautilus shell. The Cahier de Boscodon also mentions this shell. It's interesting to compare this handwritten Nautilus pompilius with the one Truant (more likely MZD) wrote under a golden rectangle.

  Another strong clue showing MZD's knowledge of the 'quine' is a fictitious book about the Navidson house, Concatenating Corbusier, by Aristides Quine (footnote 150). Quine is not an usual word in French for a set of five, the usual word is quinte, and the association of  'quine' and Corbusier is stronly evocative.

  So the biggest unit of the quine is the coudée, the cubit, measuring 52.36 cm. If 10 meters would be exactly 50 spans of 20 cm in Boscodon system, MZD could have preferred 20 cubits of 50 cm, in order to fit the 20 cubits of the Holy of Holies.
  The Cahier de Boscodon studies several historical monuments, including the Temple of Solomon:

  The Holy of Holies is a square, and the other part of the Temple is a double square, the figure used to build the golden ratio, as the diagonal of a double square of width one is the square root of five.

  The freedom taken with the cubit becoming 50 cm seems to show MZD does not have any respect towards the Boscodon quine, so what could all this mean?
  Besides many fake claims about the golden ratio being a standard of harmony in art and nature, it's a real question of interest, and a good approach can be found on Ron Knott's site.

  A friend of mine developed a tool calculating the values of words and phrases according to various systems of gematria, the most simple being ordinal gematria, from A=1 to Z=26.
  As I'm interested by the golden ratio, a feature of the Gematron is to give the approximate golden sections of the input text, so
MARK Z DANIELEWSKI = 43 + 26 + 112 = 181
  The output shows a big 69 after Z, it means that the total 181 has for optimal golden sharing 112-69.
  The interesting thing is that the optimal golden sharing of 112 is 69-43, so the three elements of MZD's name form a 'quine', a set of five numbers belonging to an additive sequence:
  This sequence is OEIS 22098 on the OEIS, On-line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences.

  I recall the fictitious book of footnote 150, Concatenating Corbusier, by Aristides Quine. Le Corbusier created his system Modulor in 1946.
  It's based on the height of a man, and he hesitated about what should be the ideal measure. Although he used the metric system, and first chose 1.75 meter, 175 cm (his own height), his final choice was 183 cm, probably because it was 6 feet, 72 inches, 144 half-inches, 144 being a number of the Fibonacci sequence.
  So the measures of his system could be expressed by Fibonacci numbers, and, as an only sequence was not sufficient, he created two sequences, each based on 5 main measures:
- Red sequence, 21-34-55-89-144 half inches;
- Blue sequence, 21-34-55-89-144 inches.

  As he was speaking French, the measures in his book Le Modulor are approximations in the metric system, 27-43-70-113-183 cm for the Red sequence.
  It's quite impressive to compare with the 'MZD quine':

     MARKZDANIELEWSKI = 181              183
                DANIELEWSKI = 112              113
                            MARKZ = 69                70
                              MARK = 43                43
                                     Z = 26                27

  This could suggest a strong ego of MZD, and actually MZD put his name by different ways in HOL. So readers found acrostics formed by the first letters of the footnotes.
  There are 452 footnotes to the Navidson Record, the main part of HOL, and the first letters of the 5 first chapters are
  This is obviously not by chance, and I remark the chapters introduce cuts between MARKZ and DANIELEWSKI, then between Z and DANIELEWSKI.
  There are only 2 footnotes in the last chapter:
427 Massel Laughton's “Comb and Brush” in Z, v. xiii, n. 4, 1994, p. 501.
Δ Daphne Kaplan's The Courage to Withstand (Hopewell, NJ, Ecco Press, 1996), p. iii.
  The acrostic here is only MD, but Z can be found in the title Z (on public booksignings, MZD signs with just a Z).
  The last footnote shows that all footnotes are not introduced by numbers.
  All the acrostic is here. Four footnotes are empty, just lines of _. So there is 452 notes, but 448 with a possible meaning, whatever it is; these are four times 113 and 112, the 'navels' in Corbusier's and MZD's quines?
  There are 26 footnotes before the beginning of the acrostic MARKZ DANIELEWSKI. Some readers proposed various anagrams, not quite convincing, but a fact is the ratio vowels/consonants (10/16) allows anagrams.
  I suggest 26 is the rank of letter Z.
  There are 16 letters in the author's full name, of which 6 are vowels. 6-10 and 10-16 are golden sharings of 16 and 26, simplifying in 3-5 and 5-8, consecutive terms of the Fibonacci sequence. Next term of this sequence 6-10-16-26 is 42, and there are 42 footnotes to chapter 5, the one beginning with DANIELEWSKI, so we find in the first 4 chapters
26 letters + 16 letters of the author's full name, + NFZ, and next
11 letters DANIELEWSKI + 31 letters = 42 = 26 + 16. Only 4 vowels among the 31 letters.

  So the total value 181 shares following the golden ratio into 69-112. To this sharing correspond 5-11 letters, and it's astonishing that
181 centimeters convert into 5' 11" (and 1/4 inch!).
  More, an additive sequence starting with 5-11-16 continues with
27-43-69-113-183, the approximations of Corbusier's quine (OEIS 22136).
  This becomes quite silly. It seems obvious that Tad Z. Danielewski did not call his son Mark in order to built a gematric quine, yet MZD might have found it by himself. I feel pretty sure that the cubit of exactly 50 cm is an important clue, and the conversion of 181 cm to feet and inches could be in the same mood.
  Yet coincidences do exist, and there is one concerning the Modulor and its creator. Le Corbusier chose measures that could be expressed in inches, but he gave a tribute to the metric system with two measures that are exact, 113 and 226 cm. The tool used by architects using his system is a ribbon of exactly 226 cm, graduated in centimeters and inches.
  It happens that Le Corbusier's real name is
 Charles-Edouard Jeanneret = 226.

  There are many acrostics in HOL, and many other tricks. The 24 pages of  Codes for Dummies can give an idea...
  Here I try to propose new things, and I insist on the fact that footnote 35 sends to document 046665:
35 In Appendix II-A, Mr Truant provides a sketch of this floor plan on the back of an envelope.
  This document is followed by 081512, which obviously must be understood 8-15-12, H-O-L, so the rank of letters is important to MZD, and maybe their sum, here 35.
  The I beginning footnote 35 is the I of MARKZ DANIELEWSKI, sum 181; the envelope shows the width of the house should be 20 cubits, and
TWENTY CUBITS = 107 + 74 = 181.
  The Holy of Holies is called the Oracle in KJB, and here is verse 1 King,6,20:
And the oracle in the forepart was twenty cubits in length, and twenty cubits in breadth, and twenty cubits in the height thereof.
  We have also
LENGTH + BREADTH + HEIGHT = 66+58+57 = 181, and HOL can suggest
FOUR DIMENSIONS = 60 + 121 = 181.

  181 in letters gives
another kind of palindrome. The sum 216 evokes again the Holy of Holies, Qodesh haQodashim, that has another name in Hebrew, debir, דְּבִיר, a word which has the value 216 in the traditional Hebrew system.
  216 is the cube of 6, 6.6.6, the debir is a cube of side 20 cubits, and the value in Hebrew of twenty cubits (181 in English), 'esrim amah, עשׂרים אמה, is 666.
  I recall footnote 35 using the I of MARKZDANIELEWSKI, and 181+35=216.

  Le Corbusier first thought of an average height of 175 cm for the man Modulor. This placed the navel at 108 cm, and the arm raised at 216 cm.


  If HOL is a harsch reading, what is the word for OR, Only Revolutions? Especially when you're French.
  I concentrated on the acrostics of the 45 sections in the two narratives. The Gématron reveals an ideal golden cut after 7 words and 27 letters:
  Looking further, this comes from 2 golden blocks:
AND-AND-AND = 57, 3 words and 9 letters;
SAM-HAILEY = 97, 2 words and 9 letters.
  This allows to build:
AND-AND-AND: 3 words, 9 letters, value 57;
SAM-HAILEY: 2 words, 9 letters, value 93;
SAM-HAILEY AND-AND-AND: 5 words, 18 letters, value 150;
SAM-HAILEY AND-AND-AND SAM-HAILEY: 7 words, 27 letters, value 243;
a rearrangement of the 12 words and 45 letters of the whole acrostic, value 393.

 The two blocks could build an infinite golden sequence. If it's not true with the actual acrostic, two other steps might occur, adding 7 words, then 12:

  The two blocks system leads to
3-2-5-7-12 words, the beginning of sequence OEIS 1060;
57-93-150-243-393 for the values of these words, that correspond to 3 times
19-31-50-81-131, the continuation of
3-2-5-7-12 (3 is there the term 0 of sequence OEIS 1060);
45 letters for the whole acrostic, and 45 is the sum of the first five terms of this sequence, 2-5-7-12-19.
   I notice 45 is too the value of DANIEL.
  The golden cut for the actual acrostic is after 27 letters, corresponding to 216 pages. I recall it's the Hebrew gematria of debir, Holy of Holies. 27/45 or 216/360 is again 3/5, the ratio of the Ark and MZD's birthday.

  The arithmetic of additive sequences is addictive. If we add the number of words to their values, for example 3+57=60, we get
60-95-155-250-405, 5 times
12-19-31-50-81, still sequence OEIS 1060, and this is due to a general law of additive sequences:
5 A(n) = A(n-4) + 3 A(n+1).
  The egality
is too linked to the properties of additive sequences.
  Prime additive sequences (i.e. sequences in which 2 consecutives terms have no common divisor) are linked 2 by 2. If we add a term A(n) to the term A(n+2), you obtain either a term of the conjugate sequence, either 5 times a term of the conjugate sequence.
  The two most known sequences are so linked: the Lucas sequence (1-3-4-7-11-...) is conjugated with the Fibonacci sequence (1-1-2-3-5-...).
  And the MZD sequence (1-8-9-17-26-...) is linked with OEIS 1060 (2-5-7-12-19-...), as 2+7=9, 5+12=19, and so on.
  The egality above
is a consequence of a general property of additive sequences:
A(n) + 3A(n+1) is a term of the conjugate sequence (here 19+3*31).

  This becomes quite silly, but why 20 cubits? why Aristides Quine concatenating Corbusier? Why Viabibonacci (a character in OR)?
  Is there a link between the width of the house, 393 3/4", and the value of the acrostic, 393?
  Between footnote 150 (Aristides Quine) and number 150 in the acrostic quine 57-93-150-243-393?
  Between the cubit of 50 cm and OEIS 1060 (19-31-50-81-131)?

  The conjugate sequences (2-5-7-12-19-...) and (1-8-9-17-26-...) have interestng properties. One is linked to number five as each term of the first one is the sum of 5 consecutives terms of the Fibonacci sequence. So is the other, but with the Lucas sequence.

  OEIS 1060 is known too as Evangelist sequence. It was used by composer Sofia Gubaidulina, notably in the oratorio Alleluia. From time 1:40 can be heard successive crescendos of 5-7-12-19 notes:

  There are numerous examples of golden ratio in literature, claimed or not. John Barth claimed to have used it in his novels Chimera and Letters.
  There are many examples too in cinema, up to 1925 and Eisenstein's Battleship Potemkin, made of five episodes, five being much associated with the golden ratio. There is an intended important event at the phi-point of each episode, and the climax of the film is at the end of the 3th one, when the red banner is hoisted on the mast. In this b&w movie, the red color was painted on the photographic film.

  I cannot read OR. All I've been able to do is to check the numbers of words of some of its 360 pages. I found each time 360, 90 in each sector.
  There is a certain logic for this number 360, the degrees of the circle, letter O, revOlutions, but could it be something else? Actually, counting the two pages with a big S and a big H, introducing the two narratives, there are 362 pages, 2 times 181, MARKZ DANIELEWSKI.
  Numbers are counted as words, and each page is foliated with 2 numbers of page, so there are 181 words to read in one way, and 181 upside down.
  The numbers of page add up to 361, of which middle point is 181.

  The title has 15 letters centered on a O, 15th letter. On the cover of the paperback edition, little | | are inserted in this middle O, maybe showing the middle and the two readings, and maybe suggesting to add 2 to the 360° of the O...

  The value of the two words are
ONLY REVOLUTIONS = 66 + 170 = 236.
  Without the 3 O's, printed in another color in the first edition, we find
236 - 45 = 191.
236/191 is what French painter Sérusier called double coupe d'or, 'double golden cut'.
  Because 191 is the half of 382, a term of the golden sequence
236-382-618-1000-1618 (OEIS 22367)
already seen with footnote 382 and Boscodon quine.

  Shall I add that
A NOVEL = MARK Z = 69,
a number that remains unchanged upside down.
  The total value of the 15+16+6 letters of the circle is
236+181+69 = 486, two times 243, the golden cut of the 45-letter acrostic, and there is an acrostic in each narrative, SAM AND HAILEY..., and HAILEY AND SAM...

  45 and 191 are terms of the prime additive sequence 22095,
and 236 is again the result of a general law,
A(n) + A(n+3) = 2A(n+2) or 45+191 = 2*118 = 236.

  As I said, additive sequences are easily driving mad, so I stop here, but there is probably much more to find.


ellerYqueen, or why not a yod will be left away

to  Danny and Manny

   Ellery Queen. They were two cousins, born Daniel Nathan and Manford Lepofsky in 1905. At their majority, they chose the names Frederic Dannay and Manfred Bennington Lee.
  In 1929, they began to write crime stories using the alias Ellery Queen. These are the adventures of amateur detective Ellery Queen, who is too a detective stories writer.. The name of this detective appears in an only novel, Dave Dirk.

  Ellery Queen became a prestigious signature, but some problems arose between the two cousins. Dannay conceived detailed plots, then it was up to Lee to give them flesh. The more it went, the more Dannay wished to give his plots a metaphysical dimension, and Lee did not agree at all with that. He was so reluctant with the plot of Ten Days' Wonder that it took three years to publish the novel in 1948.

  I suspect Dannay to have afterwards concealed his intentions, so that Ellery Queen could publish a novel every year. Yet the problems remained, and The Finishing Stroke was announced as the last Ellery Queen in 1958.

  Lee found the signature Ellery Queen was still bankable, so he engaged ghostwriters to publish several crime stories that had nothing to do with the detective Ellery.
  Dannay then felt himself free to publish a new adventure of Ellery, with the help of Theodore Sturgeon instead of Lee.
  The Player on the Other Side (1963) is no less than a chess game between God and Evil on the chessboard of York Square, a property where live four cousins York in four houses at the corners of the Square, each house being surrounded by a tower. All the characters echo to chess pieces, and so do Ellery and his father (queens).
  Three cousins are killed, after the reception of cards printed with one letter, J, H, W. This seems to accuse the handyman, John Henry Walt, but Ellery finds he's just a pawn, following blindly the written orders of someone signing Y.
  Another letter signed Y arrives, ordering Walt to send the last cousin a card printed with a H, then to kill him.

  The key comes in last chapter, Checkmate. Walt suffers from multiple personality disorder. He is too Yahweh, or JHWH, the vengeful God of the Old Testament, and another personality is Nathaniel York, the York legitimate heir, despoiled by the cousins.
  If Lee had difficulties with other Dannay's plots, he sure wouldn't have completed this one, peculiarly if he'd noticed the killing of cousins by 'Nathaniel'. Lee knew perfectly his cousin was born Daniel Nathan.

  I'll try to show the themes of The Player on the Other Side were already present in previous works. These themes are.
- religious pattern, notably concerning the tetragrammaton JHWH;
- a couple of characters associated in an enterprise, one claiming he's the boss while the other one has a prominent role; in private, Lee claimed Dannay's plots were ridiculous, and that only his writing skill made the success of Ellery Queen; 
- personal involvement, what is called 'biotext'; it concerns here essentially Dannay's birthdate, on Oct 20th, 1905, 10/20/05.

  I'll begin with this last point, and something that looks quite meaningful:
- the 5th Queen is The Egyptian Cross Mystery (1932); it has 30 chapters, 20+10, and this Egyptian cross is a letter T, the 20th letter as it will be explicit in another novel.
- the 10th Queen is Halfway House (1936); it has 5 chapters, and all chapters have tautogram titles, The Tragedy, The Trail, The Trial, The Trap, The Truth. 5 chapters, 10 times 20th letter.
- the 20th Queen is Double, Double (1950); it has 20 chapters; 20 is the double of 10, double of 5.
- the 26th Queen is The Finishing Stroke (1958); it has 20 chapters, and the enigma is based on the Hebrew alphabet, more exactly on the semitic letters which have equivalents in our alphabet, i.e. 20 letters. In the book, the detective writer Ellery says he's written 30 novels. This might be understood as the 26 Queens, plus 4 novels the cousins wrote in 1932-33 using the alias Barnaby Ross.

  Is there an allusion to Dannay's birthdate in The Player on the Other Side? Maybe, as J.H. Walt is born on April 20th, 1924, which Ellery points as being Easter sunday.
  April 20th is the opposite of October 20th on the circle of the year, and it was too the 35th birthday of Adolf Hitler. At this time he was in jail, writing Mein Kampf. The next Queen, And On The Eight Day... (1964), shows Ellery investigating during the Holy Week of 1944 in a community issued from The Deas Sea Scrolls, that a misunderstanding has led to worship Mein Kampf instead of the Bible.

  The Player on the Other Side is the 27th Queen, but the 26th adventure of Ellery, as The Glass Village (1956) is a one-shot. Some Queen novels mention Hebrew words and gematria, seeing a meaning in the sum of values of letters composing Hebrew words.
  The best known case is the tetragrammaton
J H W H = 10+5+6+5 = 26.
  Grammatically, letter W is a copulative, meaning 'and', so the tetragrammaton might be read as
10 = 5 and 5, or
10, 5 and 5 = 20,
possibly meaningful for someone born on 10/20/05.

  The square murders JHWH make easily think of the losange murders JHVH in Borges' Death and the Compass, and it happens that Dannay was probably the first man to read the English translation of this short story.
  Dannay created in 1941 Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine (EQMM, still running on), and he was deeply involved in it (Lee absolutely not). In 1947 Anthony Boucher translated some of  Borges' short stories and proposed them to Dannay. Death and the Compass was obviously the most suitable for EQMM, but Dannay refused to publish it, and chose The Garden with Forking Paths, a much more complex story, published in August 1948.
  Dannay and Lee were still working on Ten Days' Wonder at that time, and maybe Dannay wanted to be the first to use the tetragrammaton in a crime story.

  Double, Double (1950), the 20th Queen, has a very tricky plot, based on the nursery rhyme Rich man, poor man..., with two variants for the ending, first Merchant Chief, then Merchant, Chief, to fit the numerous deaths occurring in the novel.
  If the Hebrew letters JHWH have ranks 10-5-6-5 in the Hebrew alphabet, to these ranks match in our alphabet JEFE, the Spanish 'chief''. In the book Ellery finds an associate who, by joke, calls him 'chief'.
  There are seven deaths in the story, matching with the rhyme:

Rich man, Poor man,    MacCaby    Hart
Beggarman, Thief,       Anderson   Jackard
Doctor, Lawyer,            Dodd          Holderfield
Merchant, Chief.          Waldo        W  (?)

  A last attempt is made against Ellery, the 'chief', but it misses its aim, and the murderer, named Ken Winship, is arrested. Ellery guesses he will be sentenced to death for his crimes:
Because the truth is Ken was the chief of everything. The chief criminal, the chief planner, the chief of operations, the chief victim.
  It may be noticed Winship is four times a chief, as number 4 is prominent in the book, beginning a 4/4, as well as 4th letter, D (Double, double). An allusion to the tetragrammaton? I thought too the first name of Dannay's mother was Dora. And he was 44 when the book was published.

  Anyhow the initials of the 7 dead are MAD HJHW (+ W for the 'chief').
  That can give JHWH and ADM, these 3 Hebrew letters, aleph, daleth, mem, spelling in Hebrew the word adam, the name of the first man, or the noun 'man'.
  Is it far-fetched? Maybe not, as next Queen, The Origin of Evil (1951), shows a man named Adam taking his revenge on someone who is nicknamed 'God' by his employees.
  Priam and Hill stole the treasure Adam found, and left him dead. They founded an enterprise in which Priam is supposed to be the boss, but it's Hill that takes all the important decisions. After 25 years, Adam finds them, and becomes Priam's secretary. He flatters Priam, making him feel he deserves to be the only boss of the enterprise, and suggesting him a plan to kill Hill.
  The plan succeeds, but Adam introduced some mistakes in it, so Priam is arrested for the murder of Hill. He commits suicide in prison.
  The most important clue concerns letter T.

  Dannay seemed to have some consistency, as next Queen, The King is Dead (1952), shows Cain and Abel Bendigo leading The Bodigen Arms Company. The elder brother Cain is known as the boss, the King, but it's Abel that takes all the important decisions. The Company has notably sold arms to Hitler's Germany.
  Hitler may habe been alluded to in Double, Double, with the strange character of Harry Toyfell, nearly an anagram of Adolf Hitler. Hardi Tofell would have been an exact anagram, but toyfel means 'devil' in Yiddish, and Harry is written in Hebrew with letters HRJ (הרי), ranks 5-20-10 in the Hebrew alphabet (as shows this engraved stone).

  Obviously BODIGEN is the anagram of BENDIGO, but I suspect it hides another anagram, BNEI GOD, bnei meaning 'sons of' in Hebrew.
  In Jewish mysticism, all the divine sparks present in Adam were then shared between Cain and Abel, but in bad proportions, so Cain killed Abel. Dannay inversed Genesis pattern, and that's here Abel that kills his brother.

  Another aspect of the theme of the two associates is a kind of partnership between the murderer and Ellery, whose art in deduction is needed in the criminal plan. When Ellery is not already there, the murderer manages to make him come.
  This pattern appears in all Ellery's investigations from 1948 to 1958, with some variants. The principal one is when Ellery is fooled by an innocent who wants to protect the real murderer. This happens in Cat of Many Tails (1949), and then in And On The Eight Day... (1964).
  Each time the chief planner thinks himself more clever than Ellery, and each time he's wrong, but Ellery is not clever enough to prevent the deaths (and it takes him 27 years to understand how he was fooled in The Finishing Stroke, too late to punish the murderer).

  So, from 1948 to 1964, Dannay seems to have plotted a good collection of metaphysical stuff, more or less disguised, yet I wonder if there was not in previous works somme seeds of this will.
  A quite stunny one is a Barnaby Ross novel of 1932, later edited as Ellery Queen, The Tragedy of Y. The Hatters, who are known as the Mad Hatters, are one of the oldest families of Washington Square. The oldest one, York Hatter, died recently, and his grandson, John Hatter, 13 years old, finds the manuscript of a crime story York situated in his own house, The Tragedy of Y.
  As all the Hatters, John, JH, is a bit mad, so he undertakes to make the plot a reality, following blindly the instructions of Y. Doesn't it remind the simple-minded JHW of 1963, in York Square, following blindly the instructions of Y?

  It is needed here to explore the Hebrew text of man creation Genesis, in which prominent letters are DMA, daleth, mem, aleph.
  JHWH, or YHWH (the Lord, God), made ADM (Adam, the man) in His image, after His likeness (Gn 1:26). In Hebrew 'likeness' is DMWT, demuth, root DMH, dama(h), 'resemble', looking like adam.
  JHWH formed ADM from the dust of ADMH (adama, the ground), then He took a part of ADM to form Eve. Adam knew Eve his wife, and then were born Cain and Abel.
   Caïn killed his brother Abel, and JHWH heard 'the voice of Abel’s DM (dam, blood) crying from ADMH (adama, the ground)' (Gn 4:10).

  In Latin Vulgata, Jerome translated YHWH by Dominus, a word originally related to domus, 'house'; a dominus was first the master of a house, DoMus in which root consonants are DM.
  So was York Hatter, YH, in the Hatter House. His son was Conrad, who married Martha. Is it far-fetched to find ADAM in conrAD-MArtha?
  Is it far-fetched to find JH and WH in the sons of Conrad and Martha Hatter, John and William?
  John and William are 13 and 4, an unusual difference, but 4 and 13 are the ranks of letter D and M, in our alphabet as well as in the Hebrew alphabet.
  John is said to persecute his young brother.

  A main objection might be: why YH then JH? The same discrepancy appears in The Player on the Other Side (where Y stands both for York and YHWH), and Ellery himself declares in Ten Days' Wonder:
that name is hidden in the tetragrammaton I mentioned, the four consonants which were variously written — actually in five ways, from IHVH to YHWH (...)

  In the 1963 novel, the player on the other side is the Devil (or God), and there is a 1938 Queen with 'devil' in the title, The Devil to Pay.
  The drama occurs in the Sans Souci domain, a set of four rich dwellings in the Hollywood hills, with a ten-foot fence all round it, and a guard to keep the only access.. Only two of the four houses are inhabited, by two associates leading the Ohippi HydroElectric Development, Solomon Spaeth and Rhys Jardin (and their families).
  The Ohippi plants are drowned by a flood, and many people loose the money they invested in the society, except Spaeth who sold his actions for fifty million dollars before the disaster was known.
  Spaeth is murdered, and Jardin ruined has to quit Sans Souci.
  Jardin is French for 'garden', Rhys is Welsh for 'ardent'. The enclosed Sans Souci domain might stand for the Garden of Eden, in which there is too a quaternary symbolism (source of four rivers, and there is a pool at the center of the domain). After the original sin Adam and Eve are exiled at east of Eden, maybe that inspired the exile of Jardin from Sans Souci.

  The hydroelectric project suggests the word DAM, as MAD was a keyword in the Hatter case.

  The murderer of Spaeth is Pink, the handyman of the Jardins, and he killed Spaeth with a bow, in order to accuse Rhys Jardin, a well-known archer. But Spaeth's son found his father dead with an arrow in his heart, and other clues accusing Jardin. He modified the crime scene to let people think Spaeth was killed by a dagger.
  Dannay took here the counterpart of Van Dine's The Bishop Murder Case, in which a murder is committed with a dagger, but the murderer introduces an arrow in the wound.

  Pink is only known by these four letters. It might be because he was formerly an actor, as some actors were known by a single name.
  This name PINK might point to a well-known archer, Eros, anagram of ROSE. Here Eros would play the Thanatos role.
  As it was a clue in Van Dine's novel, the archer is another name of the bishop, the chess piece. Each character in The Player on the Other Side has something to do with a chess piece, and one is Tom Archer, a suspect.

  The first mention of Pink is about his role once as an Indian Chief:
an old still-picture of Pink, bow in hand, as Chief Yellow Pony, from that forgotten epic of the plains,  Red Indian.
  Indian Chief is the last line in the common version of the rhyme in Double, Double. It goes then into Merchant, Chief, where Chief is finally identified as the murderer.
  I suggested CHIEF = JEFE = JHWH, and INDIAN might find a sense besides JHWH.
  Judaism forbids to pronounce the most holy name JHWH, which is replaced in the reading of the Bible by adonai, 'Lord', another four-letters word in Hebrew, spelled ADNY, or ADNJ, or ADNI, the letters forming INDIAN, and Dannay, and Danny, the diminutive of Daniel, Dannay's birth forename.
  Of course Dannay did not invent the expression Indian Chief, but there is a chief often mentioned in all Wrightsville novels, including Ten Days' Wonder and Double, Double, Chief Dakin, Wrightsville's Chief of Police. In Hebrew, letter K, kaph, is alone a preposition meaning 'alike', 'as', so
CHIEF DAKIN might be read YHWH K-ADNY, the Tetragrammaton is alike 'My Lord", and
  Wrightsville was founded by Jezreel Wright, a strange name as the valley of Jezreel is believed to be the place where will occur the penultimate battle between good and evil (wright and wrong?).

  In another novel, The Scarlet Letters (1953), letter Y is prominent. A friend of Ellery, Dirk Lawrence, suspects his wife Martha to have an affair with an actor, Van Harrison, known as V.H.
  Dirk and Martha, D and M?
  Dirk has found a code ruling datings between V.H. and Martha, an alphabetical list of 26 locations in New York. So V.H. needs only to give Martha a letter to fix the appointmant. Ellery is patient enough to check about 20 appointments, and to account of them to Dirk. Then Dirk shots Martha and her supposed lover. Ellery comes too late, but V.H. has the time to write with his blood letters XY. Did he regret to miss the next datings at Xochilt's and Yankee Stadium?
  At last Ellery understands V.H. could not finish his death message. He intended to write XX, because he was doublecrossed by Dirk who engaged him to fake an affair with Martha, in order to ask for divorce, but his plan was to kill them both, knowing that a jury would acquit a deceived husband.

  Martha was born Martha Gordon, and it's useful to know someone named Judah Gordon wrote a story of divorce impeached by an incomplete letter yod, The Point on Top of the Yod.
  It is about a woman named Bath Shua, a quite improbable name for a Jewish girl, as the biblical Bath Shua was Judah’s wife, a Canaanitess (Gn 38:12). YHWH was angry with that, and he killed the two first sons of Judah, who refused to make their wife pregnant, Thamar (it's an anagram of Martha). As Judah was predicted to be the ancestor of the Messiah, Thamar had to have sex with his father-in-law to give him a proper lineage...
  Judah Gordon's Bath Shua succeeded in obtaining divorce from a nasty husband, but a rabbi, whose name is an anagram of a famous fondamentalist rabbi, invalidates the divorce document because the upper part of a letter yod is badly written. Yod is the smallest letter in the Hebrew alphabet, and that's why this letter is quoted by Jesus (Mt 5:18):
Till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass away from the law, till all things be accomplished.

  In The Player on the Other Side, Percival's house in York Square looks a bit like a Hebrew yod, and Percival is suspected to be the mysterious Y.

   The four houses of York Square have in common a central park. So do the four houses of the Sans Souci domain which have in common a central pool.

  I'm closing here, hoping to have suggested Dannay's works are not usual crime stories...

  THE QUEEN SITE is Kurt Sercu's one, here...
...and there, an article by Pietro De Palma.



  On last September 2, I published a post on my French blog, starting with the first image of  Jean-Pierre Melville 's movie, Le Samouraï (1967), in which is inlaid a legend  : "Saturday April 4, 6 hours PM".

  I recently learnt this, and it made me think of another movie starting on an Apr 4, Michael Bradford's 1984 (1984). More than that, the scene was shot on April 4, 1984, and the director tried to respect the time schedule of Orwell's novel, as far as possible.
  This image appears after 10' of the movie, which begins with the Two Minutes Hate sequence. Then Winston Smith comes back home, and takes his carefully hidden diary, in which he writes the date.

  Melville's Le Samouraï issued in 1967, but he wrote the script some years ago. I wondered which year could fit with a Saturday April 4, and the first year before 1967 is 1964.
  As I feel quite concerned about what happened on 4/4/44, I noticed these two April 4, 20 and 40 years later, with another interesting circumstance: it's on 4/4/4 (2004) that I saw the schematism of the date April 4, 1944, given by Jung in Memories, Dreams, Reflections.
  So I considered the idea of a movie beginning on 4/4/2004, but could't imagine it could exist, yet...

  This 11/11, I see a new series on my streaming site, The Long Road Home. I try it and here's the first image: 
  This is the French version, I suppose the original one has got April 4 2004.
  The series depicts a real incident in Sadr City. The first two episodes issued on Nov 7, and the second one also begins with a legend April 4 2004. The series has 8 episodes, and I guess most of them will have the same beginning. The comments on IMDb don't seem enthusiastic.

  Actually something important happened on 4/4/44, at least for Romanians, with a bombing of Bucharest which killed some 3000 people. You Tube offers a clip about it, beginning with this image:

  What about the 4/4/2024? Wait and see.

  There was too an unique event on 4/4/1964, a Saturday where issued the weekly  US Billboard.
  That 4/4 the Fab Four held the top five places on the Billboard. That was the only time such a thing ever occurred.

  I notice the first episode of  The Long Road Home was available in France on 11/11, another double date as 4/4. This page collects many coincidences about 11-11, which has inspired at least 2 movies, 11:11, and 11-11-11.

  After the sensible comment by William Gibbs, I'll add that I'm very attentive to all April 4's I encounter in my readings or viewings, since I realized how 4/4/44 was a signifiant day in Jung's life. I haven't seen any other videos beginning on 4/4's, and these three ones concern years 1964-1984-2004, and in each case the date appears on the screen.
  The timing of my viewings has to be analyzed. I saw 1984 in 2009, and then reported its 4/4 on my French blog. It's just in last July that an article in a French paper mentioned Melville's movie began on a 4/4, with another coincidence: Melville went to Delon's home to ask him to be the main character of his film; Delon agreed and enquired about the movie's title; when Melville told him The Samurai, Delon took him to his room and shew him samurai's swords on the wall.

  There is a novel beginning on a 4/4, The Decorator by Boris Akunin, and it was too a huge coincidence depicted on this set of posts, about novels covering a Holy Week.

  There is a movie where action lies on an unique day, 4/4, but of two different years, Timeline (2003) by Richard Donner. It has been found by accident a device that sends people exactly 600 years before, then a squad is sent to rescue someone who is trapped on 4/4/1357. It's not clear if we start from 1957, and if April 4 of 1357 is a Gregorian date, or rather a Julian date, as Gregorian calendar did not exist yet.
  Assuming 4/4/1357 is a Julian date, it's bewildering this was the Tuesday of the Holy Week, and that it falls exactly 532 years before the 4/4/1889 where begins the Decorator, which is too a Julian date. 532 years is the cycle on which same Easter dates come back in the Julian calendar.
  I pointed in the same set of posts that 4/4/44 was Tuesday of the Holy Week in the Gregorian calendar, and that it could have an unique link with the original Week of the Passion.



  At the end of the movie Pi, by Darren Aronofsky (shot in 1997, aired in 1998), Max Cohen is sitting on a bench, a young girl friend comes to see him, and she starts to play the game they used to play together.
- How about 255 times 183?
  But Max can't now answer faster than the calculator, and the girl has to answer herself:
- 46665.
  She tries another question:
- How about 748 divided by 238?
  Max keeps silent, she insists:
- What's the answer?
  And these are the last words of the movie.
  Well the answer is 3.14..., a hint to the title of the movie.

  I only know of another work ending with a number which is too a code for its title. It's House of Leaves (HOL), a novel published by Mark Z. Danielewski (MZD) in 2000, but MZD already put on line the main part of it, the Navidson record, in 1997. He put it off in 1999 when he signed a publishing contract.
  The published book was given several new parts, or appendices, notably Appendix II-A, Sketches and polaroids, which consists of four numeroted documents. The last one, page 572 of the original edition, #081512, consists of 30 polaroids allegedly showing the Navidson House, but it seems they are all different houses.
  Anyhow the important thing is probably the number of the document, to be read,
08-15-12, i.e. the ranks of letters H-O-L, House of Leaves.
  On the recto side of the leaf of the book, page 571, there is document #046665.

  So I only know of two works ending with a number which is a code for the title of the work, and in both works the key number is preceded by another number, and this number is 46665 in both works.
  When I discovered that in 2007 I could hardly think it might be undeliberate, although I'm used to huge coincidences. I shared it on a MZD forum, but this didn't help much, until I learnt that the forum was hosted by a domain created in September 1999 by MZD. He had then a postal address, PO Box 46665 at PO 90046 in West Hollywood.
  I first thought that meant number 46665 was so important for MZD that he chose it for his PO Box, until I realized he couldn't have chosen the whole of it, as the first digits 46 are the prefix for PO 90046. He just could choose a free box when opening it, so this 46665 seems to have nothing to do with Aronofsky's one.
  As document #046665 consists of two postal envelopes with sketches on them, I guess MZD gave it the number he saw every day on his mail.

  So the two 46665 just before the number coding for the title of the work seem a coincidence, and the coincidences are not over.
  It has to be thought too that Pi and HOL are the first official works of young authors, born in 1969 and 1966. Both became cult works.
  If Aronofsky's Pi deals a lot with numbers, it doesn't carry any hidden message, at least that's my opinion. The director introduces in it many tricks showing his skill, one of them is to give the image the aspect ratio of a golden rectangle, 1.618:1 (IMDb is wrong giving 1.66:1). That's probably the only movie using this ratio.

  HOL is a very intricated book, and it's quite difficult for me to read it as I'm French. Yet being French might be helpful as MZD lived some years in France while working on HOL, I'll come to it in a while.
  Document #046665 gives informations that cannot be found in the text, and these informations seem to deal with the golden ratio. The slap of the big envelope was used to draw a tight labyrinth, with a great white rectangle left.
  It looks like the length of this rectangle is the golden section of the length of the slap, and the rectangle is a golden rectangle. It's not quite perfect as it's a hand drawing, and the slap is not orthogonal, and the photo might add distorsions, yet the superposition with a screenshot of Pi speaks for itself.
  I chose the scene with the girl saying 46665...

   Now let's build a golden rectangle starting from the bottom of the big envelope, and using its width. The heigth fits almost exactly with the top of the little envelope (which is not exactly parallel to the big one).
  The vertical half of this golden rectangle, the red line, fits almost exactly with the top of the big envelope. That means the vertical half of the envelope, passing by the tip of the slap, is also almost exactly a golden rectangle. Painters using the golden ratio appreciate much this format (called 'double golden cut' by French painter Sérusier).
  I drew too in yellow the golden rectangle using the tip of the slap.

  Just under the white golden rectangle is carefully written Even today the Kitawans view the spiral of the Nautilus pompilius as the ultimate symbol of perfection.
  This is nearly the text of footnote 382, which precises the Kitawans of the South Pacific. It comes from a book in which it is stated this feeling is an unconscious perception of the properties of the golden ratio.
  Actually the nautilus is quoted too in Pi, when Max talks about the golden ratio and the golden spiral: Pythagoras loved this shape, for he found it in nature - a nautilus shell, rams' horns, whirlpools, tornadoes...
  Well this is not a nautilus Max is looking at, and his statements don't reflect Aronofsky's mind. Aronofsky seems to have picked up here and there doubtful esoteric stuff, and he introduces in it evident mistakes showing the credit he gives to it. That even goes to the decimals of Pi in the opening sequence which are wrong after the 8th one. This book studies the math mistakes in the movie.
  Actually, the spiral of the nautilus is not a classic golden spiral, as it is detailed here, but it's one of the most common things often associated with the golden ratio.

  It's now time to come to the main features of the works. HOL deals with Will Navidson's house. After an incident, Navidson discovers his house is one quarter of an inch wider when measured on the inside than measured on the outside. Then the house continues to grow inside, while the outside width remains the same, 32' 9 3/4". Then corridors and staircases (spiral staircases which are the occasion to quote the nautilus) appear and disappear, and people get lost while trying to explore them...

  Johnny Truant, who studies the story of the house, has drawn a map of it on the little envelope. It seems to be a square (but it's never told what is the length of the house). A totally new feature is that the width of 32' 9 3/4" is said to be equivalent to 20 cubits.
  The word cubit never appears in the text, in which there's no hint to another standard of measurement.
  The little envelope shows too Johnny calculating the cubit in inches, starting with 32' 9 3/4"= 393 3/4".
393 3/4"/20 = X "
(393.75/20 = X ")
then X = 19.6875"
  One inch is exactly 2.54 centimeters, and the conversion gives
19.6875 x 2.54 = 50.00625 cm,
so the cubit is almost exactly 50 cm, and the outside width of the house should be 1000 cm, 10 meters, or 10.00125 cm if Navidson's measurement was perfect, but I guess MZD could not give a better precision in order to make a cubit equal to exactly 50 cm.

  Why should be the width measured in cubits, and why should a cubit be exactly 50.00 cm? This echoes to something that can hardly be known out of France, where was published in 1985 L'art des bâtisseurs romans, or Cahier de Boscodon n° 4, of which the editor claims 60,000 sells.

  There is too the alleged golden spiral of the Nautilus pompilius in this book... Its main feature is that Le Corbusier borrowed his Modulor, an anthropometric scale of proportions based on the golden ratio, from an esoteric model existing at least in the Middle Age, and maybe far before, the 'quine des bâtisseurs', made of five units of measurement ruled by the golden ratio and the human body.
  Although the author, a monk of a Provence abbey, doesn't give any shadow of an evidence of his claims, the book has been so well received that its assertions were reprinted in many other books, including school manuals.
 Yet the whole thing seems quite doubtful, as the five units are, expressed in centimeters, 20 times the powers of Phi, the golden ratio (1.618):
  The middle unit, the 'empan', the hand-span, is exactly 20.00 cm, hundreds of years before the metric system.
  The biggest unit is the 'coudée', the cubit, measuring 52.36 cm. If 10 meters would be exactly 50 spans of 20 cm in this system, I'll try to explain why MZD could have preferred 20 cubits of 50 cm.
  There is a strong clue showing his knowledge of the 'quine' with an imaginary book about the Navidson house, Concatenating Le Corbusier, by Aristides Quine (footnote 150).

  It has now to be thought that 20 cubits is known to have been the width of Solomon's Temple, and especially of its most sacred part, the HOLy of HOLies, which was 20 cubits in length, breadth, and height.
  Several clues might support the idea Navidson's house has much to do with Solomon's Temple:
- Solomon was David's son, which looks much like Navidson, an unknown surname;
- the Temple is known as the House of YHWH;
- Navidson's house is at the corner of Ash Tree Lane and Succoth, a Jewish word which first refers to the Feast of Tabernacles, the first of the Three Pilgrimage Festivals on which the Israelites were commanded to perform a pilgrimage to the Temple.

  To be honest, there are many, too many clues, in HOL, suggesting many other leads.

  Now the Holy of Holies is expressly mentioned in Pi. Max Cohen has found a 216-digit number that makes him becoming a target for yuppies, who want to use it at Wall Street, and for Hassidim, who state the number is the divine key to meet God.
  Max is kidnapped by the Hassidim, and lead to an old Rabbi who tells him every year the Great Priest of Israel entered the Holy of Holies and called God with a 216-letter word, which has been forgotten. Max successes to escape, and has to withdraw the number from his brain with a power drill...
  Actually there is an important sequence of 216 letters in the Hebrew Bible, the three verses of Exodus 14,19-21, each one being 72 letters long. Jewish mystic used it to build 72 names of angels.
  It has to be said that the Holy of Holies, Qodesh haQodashim, has another name in Hebrew, debir, דְּבִיר, a word which has the value 216 in the traditional Hebrew system.
  The name 'Max Cohen' probably refers to Great Priest, Cohen haGadol, Pontifex Maximus...

  The French adaptations of HOL and Pi bring surprises.
  The name of the alleged author of document #046665, Johnny Truant, could not be kept in France, where a truand is a 'hoodlum', so the translator made him Johnny Errand. Asked about it, he replied this had nothing to do with ERRAND anagram of DARREN, Aronofsky's first name.

  Anyhow, a French spectator of Pi cannot think of HOL as there is no 46665 in the French dubbing.
  For some unknown reason, the multiplication
255 x 183
255 x 1280
with the appropriate result
  The quite strange thing is that 1280 is one of the two remaining documents in the Annex II-A, #175079 and #001280. This 1280 is also drawings on an envelope, while 175079 uses sheets of a notebook.

  The strangeness is even bigger, as the final scene of Pi echoes to one of its first scenes (time 2:10), in which little Jenna plays too with Max in the staircases (!) of their building.
  From the script Jenna had to say
What's 322 times 491?
but she was shot saying
What's 322 times 481?
  Max answers the correct question, 158,102. The wrong 481 is corrected in 491 in the English subtitles, as well as in other foreign subtitles, but as far as I know 255 x 183 has not been changed in other dubbings.

  The combination of mistakes and changes in Jenna's multiplications echoes to her divisions. In the first scene the multiplication is followed by the division
73 divided by 22?
  Max answers 3.318...
then continues 1, 8, 1, 8, 1, 8... on each stair of the staircases he is going down.
  This division has the same decimals as 7/22, the inverse of 22/7, well-known approximation of Pi. The final fivision 748/238 simplifies to 22/7, and it came to me it could be 'phinal', as the difference 748-238 equates to 510, which is the Greek value of φι, the name of the Greek letter Phi which is the symbol of the golden ratio.

  I apologize for my bad English that doesn't allow me to translate all I've seen around this 46665. There is much more on my French blog.
  Just one thing I want to add, without elaborating. The sequence 046665 appears quite soon among Phi decimals, starting on the 463rd digit. This means the sequence 466 appears ending on the 466th digit. It has been done such calculations with Pi, notably showing the sequence 360 appears ending on the git.

Note, Feb 2020 : Apocalypse (2009) is a French thriller by Giacometti & Ravenne, a journalist and a Freemason dealing often with esoteric stuff. This novel deals with the Rennes-le-Château affair, and I noticed in it the enigma Maria Nigra 66654, which is  solved with the tombstone of Marie de Nègre, a major piece in the affair. The word NIGLA is obained by jumps of letters 6-6-6-5-4 (using the normal letters). Nigla means « apocalypsis » in Hebrew.
  I noticed it because of the echo with 46665, but it took me ten years to realize that Apocalypsis was the title of the book.

Note, Sep 2020 : It took me too some years to think of an hypothesis that could explain a part of the coincidences above.
  MZD might easily have known in 1999 that the number 46665 of his PO Box appeared in Pi. If so, he must have noticed that this number was the 3rd of a series of 4, last one being a riddle hinting to the title of the movie.
  Then MZD might have the idea to add in the book published in 2000 the Appendix II-A, made of 4 numeroted documents, 3rd one being numbered 46665, last one being a riddle hinting to the title of the novel. He managed to introduce in document 46665 the common themes in the two works, golden ration and Salomon's Temple.
  It's even possible he informed some French friends of the number of his PO Box appearing in Pi. MZD might then have known the odd change of the French version, and used it to number document 1280.
  Yet some stange coincidences remain.